5 Essential Tips for Hiring Snow Clearing Services This Winter

Winter is a beautiful time of year, but it can also bring challenges, especially when it comes to dealing with snow and ice. Hiring a professional snow clearing service can help you keep your property safe and accessible during the winter months. Here are five essential tips to consider when hiring snow clearing services this winter.

1. Determine Your Snow Clearing Needs

Assess Your Property

  • Consider the size of your property
  • Identify any specific areas that need special attention, such as walkways, driveways, or parking lots

Frequency of Service

  • Determine how often you will need snow clearing services
  • Consider factors like the average snowfall in your area and your schedule

2. Research Reputable Snow Clearing Companies

Ask for Recommendations

  • Seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have used snow clearing services before

Check Online Reviews

  • Look for reviews and ratings of snow clearing companies on websites like Google, Yelp, or Angie's List
  • Pay attention to comments about reliability, quality of service, and customer satisfaction

Verify Credentials

  • Make sure the snow clearing company is licensed and insured
  • Check if the company has any certifications or affiliations with professional organizations

3. Get Multiple Quotes

Request Detailed Estimates

  • Ask each snow clearing company for a detailed estimate that outlines the services included and the cost

Compare Services and Pricing

  • Compare the services offered by each company, such as plowing, shoveling, salting, and de-icing
  • Consider the pricing structure, whether it's based on a flat fee, hourly rate, or per visit

4. Inquire About Equipment and Safety Measures


  • Ask about the type of equipment the snow clearing company uses, such as plows, snow blowers, and shovels
  • Make sure the equipment is well-maintained and suitable for the job

Safety Measures

  • Inquire about the company's safety protocols, especially during extreme weather conditions
  • Ask how they ensure the safety of their workers and your property

5. Review the Contract Terms and Conditions

Read the Fine Print

  • Review the contract carefully and make sure you understand all the terms and conditions
  • Pay attention to cancellation policies, payment terms, and any additional fees

Ask Questions

  • If you have any concerns or uncertainties, don't hesitate to ask the snow clearing company for clarification
  • Ensure that all verbal agreements are documented in writing

By following these essential tips, you can make an informed decision when hiring snow clearing services this winter. Remember to plan ahead and book your services early to ensure a stress-free winter season.

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