Health Benefits of Organic Hazelnut Oil

The nutritional value of hazelnut is very important in a balanced diet. It also has many health benefits, including the protection against disease. Hazelnut is a unique combination of oil, especially oleic acid-rich oils structure, proteins, carbohydrates, and beta-sitosterol. This gives it a special place in the world of nuts that can protect against diseases.

Cold-pressed hazelnut oil can protect us against cancer and heart-vein diseases. Vitamin E is found in this oil, which is essential for healthy heart muscles.  

Vitamin E protects against the disintegration of red blood cells and is known as anemia. Vitamin E, which is found in hazelnut, also helps to prevent cancer-causing factors. Vitamin E fights against cancer cells that have already been formed. Beta-sitosterol is a powerful way to lower cholesterol and prevent cancer (breast and prostate cancer).

Oil is a major component of hazelnut. About 60 to 70% of hazelnuts are oil-rich. This structure not only provides energy for organisms but also protects them from external factors, heat, and allows them to move vitamins that melt in the oil. Some oil acids play important roles in the hazelnut oil combination. Hazelnut oil contains oleic acid, which prevents cholesterol from rising in the blood. It also decreases cholesterol by 26,2%.

A good source of B1 and B2 vitamins is the hazelnut. These vitamins are vital for blood formation and mental well-being, particularly for children under development age.

Healthy living starts with eating organic  hazelnut oil