CNC Milling And CNC Turning

Have you ever looked at the components of something you used and wondered how they were made? If so, you have probably seen milling machines and CNC lathes in operation. You can do anything with this machine – from simple tools or moldings to intricate decorative wheels.

The CNC milling machine is based on the original milling machines of the past. Initially, milling machines and lathes required the operator to stand on them and make sure nothing went out of tolerance. You can also know more about cnc milling online via

These machines are difficult to set up and then very difficult to maintain during operation, but thanks to technology, they are not only easier to use but can also make much more complex parts.

Milling machines consist of one or more axes, on which different drill tools are installed depending on the need. The main difference between a milling machine and a drilling machine is that the drill bit holds the metal pieces while the drill bit is doing its job. This is how CNC milling and turning doesn't work.

The CNC router transfers the metal to the tool while the drilling fluid is released to cool the ground parts. If a part has to be turned over, it is called a lathe.

CNC means computer digital control, that is, instead of manually setting up a milling machine or lathe, a CNC milling machine uses a computer for the setting. This allows for the creation of more complex parts.

CNC mills and lathes not only make parts increasingly complex, but they are also easier to use once installed. Operators use computers to set up machines and then monitor machines.

Because the use of a CNC milling machine is not limited to what can be made, except for the human mind. The next time you look at a complex drill piece, you realize that it is most likely made using a CNC lathe/milling machine.