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Oxalic Acid – Good or Bad

Leafy greens and other plant foods are very popular among health-conscious. Many of these foods contain antinutrient called oxalate (oxalic acid). This article is about oxalate and its health effects.

What is Oxalate?

Oxalic acid is an organic compound that is found in many plants. You can also find oxalic acid for sale online. These include vegetables, green vegetables, fruits, chocolate, nuts, and seeds. In plants, it is typically bound in minerals, forming oxalate. Our bodies can produce oxalate alone or get them from food. Vitamin C can also be converted into oxalate when metabolized.

Oxalate can bind minerals to form compounds, including iron oxalate and calcium oxalate. This occurs in the large intestine, but can also occur in other parts of the kidneys and urinary tract. For most people, these compounds are then eliminated in the urine. However, for people who are sensitive, high oxalate diet has been associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.

Contributing to kidney stones:

Typically, small amounts of calcium and oxalate are present in the urinary tract at the same time, but they remain dissolved and cause no problems.

However, sometimes they bind to form crystals. In some people, these crystals can cause stone formation, as high oxalate and low urine volume.

Small stones often do not cause problems, but when there is a large stone, It can cause severe pain, nausea, and blood in the urine as they move through the urinary tract.

Many foods that contain oxalates are delicious and provide many health benefits and avoiding them is not necessary for most people.