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What are the Types of Drug Abuse?

There are a variety of types of drug abuse and addiction.

Drug abuse is a pattern of repeated drug use that results in negative consequences for the abuser or those around them. Drug addiction is an intense, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use that persists despite harmful consequences.

Drug abuse can occur with any type of drug, but most often it occurs with drugs that are addictive, such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and prescription opioids. Drug addiction can develop with any type of drug abuse but is more likely to develop with substance abuse disorders involving drugs like cocaine and heroin. 

Addiction can also develop with use of drugs like marijuana, which are not addictive but may be associated with other harmful consequences. In fact, marijuana has been shown to be less harmful than many of the other commonly abused drugs.  You may get more information about drug abuse addiction through this website https://stepstogether.co.uk/drug-abuse-and-addiction/

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There are three main types of drug abuse: physical, psychological, and social.

Physical drug abuse occurs when someone takes drugs in an effort to achieve a desired outcome, such as feeling high or gaining attention. Physical drug abuse can also occur when someone uses drugs without any intention other than to get high.

Psychological drug abuse occurs when someone uses drugs to cope with problems or stressors in their life. Psychological drug abuse can also occur when someone uses drugs to get relief from emotional pain.

Social drug abuse occurs when someone uses drugs with friends or acquaintances in order to feel accepted or join a group. Social drug abuse can also occur when someone uses drugs to fit in or feel good about themselves.