What To Do To Keep Your HVAC System In Good Condition In Burlington

Regular maintenance on an HVAC system can help keep it running smoothly and protect your building from costly repairs down the road. A HVAC system in Burlington is an essential part of any home. It’s responsible for circulating warm or cool air to keep you comfortable in all seasons. 

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Here are a few tips for keeping your HVAC system in good shape:

1) Check filters regularly – Filters catch particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander that can damage your equipment and cause allergies in people. Change them every month or when they start to show signs of wear.

2) Clean vents – Vents provide an entry point for contaminants like dust, fumes, and smoke. Clean them regularly using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to get rid of dirt, debris, and mold. Inspect them for signs of corrosion or damage before cleaning so you know if you need to replace them.

3) Check refrigerant levels – Refrigerant is a gas used for coolants in an AC unit. Low levels can cause your compressor to overheat or even  fail. Check the levels periodically and replace any that are low.

4) Tune up your thermostat – A thermostat regulates the temperature in your home by turning on or off your AC unit. Over time, it can become inaccurate, causing your AC to work harder than necessary. Check the setting and make any necessary adjustments. 

5) Fix leaks – Leaks in your HVAC system can cause money wasted on repairs and also increase the risk of fire. Find and fix any leaks quickly using a wet vacuum and a bucket. If the leak is severe, call a technician.

A properly functioning HVAC system can keep your family comfortable all year round, but it can also be a source of frustration if it breaks down.